Il collettivo Torabyeh fa causa a Netanyahu, un video di propaganda associa ISIS alla Sinistra sulle note di un testo dei rapper giordani

tempo di lettura: 3 minuti

TorabyehTorabyeh è un collettivo hip hop i cui membri vivono soprattutto ad Amman, in Giordania. Fanno principalmente rap, nei loro testi parlano di diritti negati, sensazioni, emozioni. “Let me be free because they are all mercenaries” canta uno degli MC in riferimento a tutte le parti in gioco sulla scacchiera palestinese.

In un recente video di propaganda elettorale per Netanyahu, a discapito della Sinistra israeliana, viene raffigurata una macchina di combattenti ISIS con bandiere dello Stato Islamico, che grazie alla “svolta a Sinistra” riesce a percorrere la strada verso Gerusalemme. Il video, che conclude con la frase: “la Sinistra si arrende al terrorismo” è accompagnato da un pezzo di Torabyeh, intitolato “Ghorbah” , cantato da Rasasah , Hussam e Kazz. Il testo dei ragazzi, così come la loro attitudine all’arte e alla vita sociale e politica, è totalmente distante da simili scenari. Per questo i membri del collettivo hanno reso nota la volontà di intraprendere vie legali contro gli autori del video di campagna elettorale.

“L’uso della canzone in questo particolare contesto – ha reso noto il collettivo hip hop in una nota – implica per il nostro gruppo gravi accuse di terrorismo e di associazione con ISIS, che di conseguenza mettono tutti i membri Torabyeh in pericolo di vita. Condanniamo con forza questa crudele violazione dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale, così come la grave lesione alla reputazione del collettivo Torabyeh”. I ragazzi concludono sottolineando il rifiuto di qualsiasi forma di collaborazione con Israele, definito “entità coloniale fascista”.


Video campagna elettorale :

Video Torabyeh Ghorbah:


Per info ed aggiornamenti:




Rasasah (Verse 1)
“My status is deformed because of my art

My poetry for my people is meaningless

My departure from earth is only a matter of time

The good I do on earth is not to gain blessings from the heavens

I just want a place where I can secure my son’s rights

I am not a killer but I can commit a crime to protect my rights

For my country my pen is writing for me

I don’t want an Israeli soldier to stop me from being buried in my country

I want to be buried in the same graveyard my grandfather is in

Ever since I was young I dreamt of being a soldier

With time I discovered whom I belong to

Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah, Hamas or Jabha

Let me be free because they are all mercenaries

I can no longer deal with these people living a lie

The picture is nice but the background is destroyed

Now we need a visa to enter our own country?

It seems the people are distracted with the revolutions

They forgot Iraq and they forgot Shatila & Sabra

I refuse to be some regular human being

And what’s available in Amman in its best cases is bare

So why don’t I belong to a free revolution

Where the employer and employee are the same status

Rasasah; stay calm!

How can I when all the Israelis are reserve soldiers ”


Hussam (CHORUS)


“Could it be that we have reached to this point?

Our country needs her men, she has become a widower

It’s time to stand up

Ziad Rahbani tell them who’s the non-believer ”


Kazz (Verse 2)


“I am packing my things getting ready to leave

From Amman to a place with no moonlight

All desert…all alcohol…with only a few trees

So I can feed myself from you mother nature

With your fast growth …you are never satisfied

Because they are always cutting you down…I will protect you

From all of those non-believers

My grandfather had an orchard and he always protected you

But when the sons of bitches occupied the land they stole you

And my grandfather lived and died dreaming of you

Now I come to you to share my pain

Because I felt that me and you are the same

The projects in Amman are throwing us around

Mother nature hold me and return me back inside you

Because all this construction above you is adding to my pain

I wish I was a gypsy going from tent to tent

Because my place in this society has no worth

I don’t feel well, I feel like shit

We’ve been fucked a thousand times and we’re still going backwards

After what has happened and what will happen

The fate is the same; murdered or captured

I am like all of those who life threw to the gutter

Deprived from happiness and sentenced to fade away

The only difference is that I am supported by rhythm”


Hussam (CHORUS)


“Could it be that we have reached to this point?

Our country needs her men, she has become a widower

It’s time to stand up ”

Ziad Rahbani tell them who’s the non-believer”


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